Industrial Laundry Equipment for Hotels and Resorts

Small, Medium or High-Volume Hospitality Laundries
At Girbau Industrial, we offer a full line of laundering, finishing and folding equipment to meet your facility’s specific production and quality goals. We undertand how to help you step into automation for dramatic operational savings over time. Contact your Girbau Industrial distributor today for help with your laundry operation!
From Washer to Ironer
By pairing Girbau Industrial washers and ironers, hotels and resorts can further boost production and quality. Items are fed directly from the washer into the ironer – bypassing the dryer. Goods are perfectly ironed without dryer preconditioning.
From Ironer to Flatwork Folder
Boosting productivity and quality further, many hotels and resorts also combine ironing and folding. A Girbau Industrial folder quickly and automatically folds bed and table linens.
Compact 5-in-One
This space-saving all-in-one machine automatically feeds, irons, folds, stacks and accumulates a variety of flatwork items, including sheets, duvets, pillowcases, table linens and more.
Drying Tumblers
Girbau Industrial drying tumblers work in concert with washers to quickly dry hospitality laundry items without over-drying. Highly programmable, drying tumblers are available with the Linen Life Extension moisture sensing system, an anti-wrinkle feature, and optional fire suppression system.
Drywork Folders
Our single- and multi-sort towel folders allow hotel laundries to quickly and perfectly fold towels for boosted production.
Laundry Equipment
Laundry Solutions for Hospitality Laundries Brochure – View the brochure on how Continental Girbau laundry equipment is designed specifically for hospitality laundries.
Read Article: Cutting Your Labor and Utility Costs, Primary Source Fall/2002
Combating MRSA Infections – Proper storage and cleaning practices of all laundry is key to avoiding MRSA.
Contact your nearest distributor to request a quote!