Commercial Washers for On-Premise Laundries

23-, 30-, 40-, 60-,70- and 80-pound capacities
Genius Series Washers offer superior programmability and productivity to meet the needs of virtually any commercial or on-premise laundry. Genius Series Washers offer commercial durability for years of constant use; unrivaled Bluetooth and IoT (internet of things) connectivity for quick programming, simplified laundry management, and remote software updates; faster acceleration for remarkable productivity and industry-best efficiency; as well as advanced ergonomics, including a big door opening and extra-large, waterproof user interface.
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Product Specs: GS023 | GS030 | GS045 | GS060 | GS070 | GS080

20- to 255-pound capacities
Engineered for energy-efficiency, E-Series high-performance commercial washers drive down utilities while improving laundry room productivity.
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Product Specs: EH020 | EH030 | EH040 | EH060 | EH080 | EH090 | EH130 stat | EH130 tilt | EH190 stat | EH190 tilt | EH255 stat | EH255 tilt

33-, 40-, 55- and 70-pound capacities
G-Flex front load commercial washers combine energy-efficiency with a durable design to improve the productivity of on-premise laundries.

25-pound capacity
REM-Series front load commercial washers combine energy-efficiency with a compact design to improve the productivity of on-premise laundries.
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Product Specs: REM025

22.5- and 35-pound capacities
The LG Commercial Laundry System offers laundries unrivaled energy-efficiency, programmability, installation flexibility and durability. Offering 22.5 and 35 pounds of capacity, LG Washers are configurable to meet the needs of nearly any laundry application.

Single load capacity
Ideal for small load applications, Econ-O-Wash commercial topload washers use less water than most top-loads and are constructed for longevity.

20- and 255-pound capacities
Continental Washer-Extractors are equipped with a plethora of features to ensure your gear is properly cleaned and back into service fast.
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Product Specs: EH020 | EH030 | EH040 | EH060 | EH080 | EH090 | EH130stat | EH130tilt | EH190stat | EH190tilt | EH255stat | EH255tilt